Monticello Florida Jefferson County Government Watch

If we do not pay attention to our city and county elected officials we will pay through the nose in the end

Our mission is to bring light to Unfair Taxes and Financial Waste Link to a copy of the budget 2021-23

If you take the time to look at their budget PDF. Please be careful! It might make your blood boil.

If you know of any unfair taxation or government waste please let us know. Please include documentation to verify the abuse. This is very important! We have to have the facts to confirm the statements from your posts. If your facts can be verified and the abuse is related to the local government or it officials then we will post the information for all to see and maybe a corrective action will be the result making our community a better more efficient place to live. Please post to our site and I will add your info to its own page as needed. You will need to register and then you will be able to author your own page and after the staff approves the post it will go live for everyone to read.

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